Just like with fabric, I have a problem with collecting pretty patterned paper. There are so many gorgeous papers out there. This is one of my all-time favorites. I'm really loving tree designs this fall. I can't wait to use it.
On my way home from school I passed by a thrift store and found this lovely wooden mushroom salt & pepper shaker set. For $3 I couldn't resist. Now all I need is my own kitchen ;-)
My boyfriend's neighbor is moving and threw out a bunch of furniture. I saw this and just had to take it home! (not without a *huff* from Sal...he had to stuff it in his car hehe) It's pretty old and it wobbles a little, but nothing a new coat of paint and some cardboard under one of the legs can't fix :) It was originally a yellowish color, but I decided to paint it red to match the "aqua and red" theme of the backroom in the attic that I fixed up over the summer. It's perfect for storing all my mother's old craft supplies that were all boxed up.
The canisters on top of the dresser are an old set that belonged to my mother as well. I don't know why, but I love anything old and previously own... that has a history to it of some sort. Old things have character and a kind of charm that I can't pass up. I guess that's why most of my favorite things in the world were either passed down to me by my mother or grandmother or found in the trash or a flea market. Just one of my quirks ;-)
Here are some of the things I brought home from my Trip to Paris.
*Finding the elephant eiffel tower keychain was hilarious since I have a huge obsession with collecting All Things Elephant
*I got those miniature jars of preserves at the buffet breakfast at our hotel. I was won over by their tinyness! (they taste outrageous too!)
*The teapot teabag holder was from a handmade ceramics shop on the Rue de Rivoli. Too cute!
*The strawberry is a real piece of Paris limoge porcelain that I could not resist.
*The tin was full of toffee candies that I kindly discarded since I don't like them ;-) (I didn't want the candies, I wanted the tin hehe)
*I bought the mini easel with a piece of artwork of the Eiffel Tower to put on my desk to remind me of Paris ♥