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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

New Job & Valentines

The new job is going really well. Working around art supplies all day is really inspiring to be creative, plus I get to learn about all the different products. My co-workers are really cool too, much less dramatic then from my office experience. The atmosphere is really relaxed and I dig it. Working in the city is a whole new experience for me and its "broadening my horizons" if you would say. I love exploring all the nooks and crannies of Manhattan, and working here pushes me even further to explore...so yippee! Anyhoo...

Valentine's Day was a delightful surprise. My boyfriend slept over the night before because he had work the next morning and his job is a few blocks away from my house. Waking up a little extra early to go and watch him sleep (and poke him, of course) was all I needed for a happy love day. Mornin' cuddlin' while the sun rises is a perfect expression of how much you love a person if you ask me. I spent the day tidying up my room and making him a card and "love coupons" while he was at work. I received a package in the mail, which was a delicious chocolate heart from Godiva. (He spoils me!) Later, he met me back at my house and asked me if I was ready to leave. I had no idea we were going anywhere, he never mentioned a word about any plans for the day, so I was completely clueless. We hopped on the train and he led me to central park where we took a horse and carriage ride :0) I've never done it before and have always wanted to so it was such a special treat. He completely surprised me all day. We got something to eat and headed home a few hours later. When I got home there was a beautiful vase of flowers on the kitchen table addressed to me. It was so sweet. He had said to me that everything had went totally wrong the entire day, nothing worked out as he planned. Meanwhile, the day was a fairytale to me hah I was content with just watching him wake up.

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers!


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